IAS Subodh Agarwal Vision for Rajasthan’s Agriculture

IAS Subodh Agarwal Vision for Rajasthan’s Agriculture

On Earth, water is the most essential resource for life. Humans, animals, and plants all need it to survive. In India, water scarcity is a major issue. According to a report by NITI Aayog, many people in India suffer from severe water shortages. This problem is made worse by India’s reliance on the unpredictable monsoon season for water.

Climate change is adding more stress on water resources with more frequent and severe natural disasters. This makes the situation worse every year. Indian farmers are among those most affected by water scarcity, which harms their agricultural productivity and income. Better water management could greatly help them, and Rajasthan's digital water distribution system might be a step in the right direction.

Let’s explore some insights from Dr. Subodh Agarwal IAS officer who has served as the secretary in the water resources department of Rajasthan.

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